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Bécon Cavaillé-Coll
218 rue Armand Silvestre

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Given the alarming condition of the instrument, the association was founded in July 2006. As a non-profit cultural association it falls under the jurisdiction of the law of 1901 and has been officially recognised as being in the public interest. Counting some fifty members, Its goals are the preservation and illustration of the Aristide Cavaillé-Coll in the church of Saint-Maurice de Bécon.

As early as 2007 it was granted proxy status by the Diocese of Nanterre (owner of the organ) to see to the technical and administrative procedures for restoration. Since then, this proxy was clearly outlined in a convention specifying the extent of this responsibility. Hence the association is fully accredited to sollicit the restoration of this artistic heritage and seek all appropriate financial aid in carrying out this project. This endeavor is a rare case of restoration of an organ registered as a Historical Monument wherein the Contracting Overseer (Maître d’Ouvrage) of the restoration is not a local governmental entity or the national government but rather an association Although these circumstances make persual of the administrative procedures more complex, it carries the advantage of placing artistic considerations in the center of the Contracting Overseer’s concerns.

Since 2007 the association has organised numerous events featuring the instrument: concerts , preésentations, visits... In December 2010 it produced the first CD recording made on the Bécon organ.

The association publishes an information bulletin intended for its members, entitled "Eoline".


Online membership


Please note: Our association being officially recognised as in the public interest, all gifts entitle the donor to a tax reduction of 66% of the amount.
For example: a gift of 50€ entitles the donor to a 33-euro deduction;
Your actual expenditure is thus 17 €uros.
We send out a fiscal receipt at the beginning of the year following the gift.

© Association Bécon Cavaillé-Coll - 2015-2024